Paroles Jesus Christ Superstar
- Alles Wird Gut Sein
- And The We Are Decided
- Argument
- Could We Start Again Please?
- Could We Start Again, Please?
- Crucifixion
- Curtain Call
- Damned For All Time / Blood Money
- Damned For All Time/ Bloody Money
- Das Letzte Abendmahl
- Everything's Alright
- Everything's Alright (Reprise)
- Everything's Alright(reprise)
- Gethsemane (I Only Wanted To Say)
- Gethsemane - I Only Want To Say
- Heaven On Their Minds
- Heaven's On Their Minds
- Hosanna
- I Don't Know How To Love Him
- I Only Want To Say(gethsemane)
- John Nineteen:Forty One
- Judas Death
- Judas' Death
- Judas's Death
- König Herodes Song
- König Herodes Song
- King Herod's Song
- King Herod's Song(try And See It)
- Overture
- Overture ((Original Soundtrack of the NBC Television Event)
- Peter´s Denial
- Peter's Denial
- Peter´s denial
- Pilate And Christ
- Pilate's Dream
- Pilatus' Traum
- See My Eyes
- Simon Zealotes / Poor Jerusalem
- Simon Zealotes/ Poor Jerusalem
- Superstar
- Tell Me,Christ
- The Arrest
- The Crucifixion
- The Last Supper
- The Temple
- Then We Are Decided
- This Jesus Must Die
- Trail Before Pilate
- Transition
- Transition After Herod
- Trial Before Pilate (Including The 39 Lashes)
- Trial Before Pilate(including The 39 Lashes)
- Verdammt Für Alle Zeit
- Verdammt für alle zeit
- Weil Sie Ach So Heilig Sind
- What's The Buzz
- What's The Buzz / Strange Thing Mystifying
- What's The Buzz?/ Strange Things Mystifying
- Wie Soll Ich Ihn Nur Lieben