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Wave Pictures (The)
Now You Are Pregnant
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When you were satisfying your thirst for success And you looked older than I did, I didn't think that that was you at your best. We were only lonely little kids Amidst stacks and stacks of slacks and black platform shoes, We were little kids. And you could say sorry ten billion times, But sorry didn't do what you did. I threw myself at you and I threw myself away Amidst stacks and stacks of slacks and black platform shoes. Johnny Cash died today and you say, you say things, Lovely things, to lovely other people, And I'm not invited. But I love the back garden at my parents' place, And I love the view out of my Glasgow window, And I love waking up on the floor of a flat in New York, And you don't know any of these things. And I've seen you selling shoes but you've never heard me sing, And I used to hate your boyfriend and the things you did. Somehow I found out and I was disappointed, But I don't need therapy because I have cigarettes, And I don't have any bad memories only bitter regrets. Johnny Cash died today and I could take a train And take an hour to think on the way of what I would say when I saw you. And I could walk into the shop and buy myself some black platform shoes; Talk to all the other girls and just ignore you. Or I could rush into the shop and tell you that I adore you, Because I adore you. Johnny Cash died today and you'd say, you'd say "It's not like Elvis though is it?" And you would be right