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[Music: J. Hjelm / Lyrics: T. Dahlström] Where do you hide now doorknocker Was my door the end of your Jehovah Crusade? I wish you would comeback to die again I miss the feeling of my fist bashing your face Why don't you comeback to insult me again So I can crucify you as I did last time Oh please doorknocker knock on my door So I can split your bible in two as before Doorknocker why do you hide from me? I miss to give you pain, visit me You promised me suffering from god's hand Where are the sufferings? hiding as you Jehovah I told you hell would conquer It looks like I am right and you are wrong again Doorknocker why do you hide from me? I miss to give you pain, visit me Open my house door Enter my house whore Behind enemy lines Your words they will not help Come back to me Try to turn me Speak your words Come back to me So I can hurt you And hurt you yes I will Open my house door Enter my house whore Behind enemy lines Your words they will not help I miss your screams for help I miss your fear for me I miss to give you pain I miss the torturing