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Beautiful Flowers
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Beautiful flowers in the morning dew They're nothing without you You flutter on by in a flash of color and you're gone But we keep on rolling on In 1885 when A man by the name of Benz Put three wheels together and an engine, too He had no idea it could be the death of you But we keep on rolling on I like to head out and arrive real soon Kind of doze off in between A little splash here, a tiny bump there I clean off the window and I see real clear again And I keep on rolling on Beautiful flowers in the morning dеw They're nothing without you You flutter on by in a flash of color and you'rе gone But we keep on rolling on Well, the summertime blues are burning red hot Red hotter than they've ever been But if the whole world screamed at the top of their lungs It wouldn't make a sound on the moon, much less the sun But we keep on rolling on Beautiful flowers in the morning dew They're nothing without you You flutter on by in a flash of color and you're gone But we keep on rolling on Big Oil's got the money and the money goes 'round Lord, we don't know where it ends And the more I see the less I know which way we're all gonna go from here We keep on rolling on