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Lonely Man ((Match Point))
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I used to be a lonely man I’m no longer a lonely man Because I found you Sweet Anne Clements, When life does give you lemons Don’t go-go maxing your card to its limit Oh who am I kidding? I know when I was in it The hole got bigger and bigger by the minute But now I’ve you, Anne And now I am your man They said get rich while I still can I don’t care if I still can Cause she’s all the riches I need Mhm, yes ma’am, indeed No longer will I be blue Because I found you Sweet street beggar, Life is bound to get better If she wants to let you in and go and let her Oh well I never, claimed I was any clever But I asked for her hand and she’s not a leper Go get married to go a girl named Anne And you’ll become a brand new man I used to be a lonely man I’m no longer a lonely man Because I found you They said get rich while I still can I don’t care if I still can Cause she’s all the riches I need Mhm, yes ma’am, indeed No longer will I be blue Because I found you