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Filthy Flow
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Well I been following the filthy flow Cause filth's the only way I'll ever know You look at me and you start to laugh You won't laugh when your cut in half I laugh at you as I cut you down Cause you the only game in town I look at you I laugh at you I look at you I laugh at you Well I been following the filthy flow The filthy flow, the filthy flow, oh, oh Filthy [x 10] And everyday I walk across the road A bag of shit and a cup of joe I'm thinking about all the money I owe I laugh at you as I cut you up You think your such a cute pup I am dirt and dirt is me Never felt so goddamn filthy I am dirt, me. You can't hurt me There is strength in being filthy For when we have destroyed your Earth There will be nothing left but dirt Filthy feeling sends me reeling Bloody footprints on the ceiling