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Bon Jovi
All That Really Matters
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When I look at you i realize there comes a time in someone's life when you find things that matter and every time we touch the love runs deep we realize it's our to keep and that's all that really matters. You'll always be my sweet addiction in this life my saving grace you're all that really matters you know it's true ain't no me without you. When you're in the dark baby don't despair I'm just a spark away I will be there and that's all that matters. You'll always be my sweet addiction in this life my saving grace you're all that really matters you know it's true ain't no me without you. We'll share our lives together yes our flame burns on forever and at the final curtain call we can say we did it all. Solo You'll always be my sweet addiction in this life my saving grace you're all that really matters you know it's true ain't no me without you. And when we turns to dust and we fly away there'll be a light stil burning bright and that's all that really matters.