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Burden Of Grief
A Duet Of Thoughts
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Reflections of dark shadows The wintermoon is shining nebulous Through the grey clouds upon the high mountains Their shadows lie dark over the lake New dreams begin to rise in me I think I'm the only one under the deep sky Calm winds stroke my hair Suddenly outlines of black shapes appear of the horizon They move slowly towards the old dark ruins Up on one of the high mountains They march to the rhythm of the night Along deep caverns Deep in my mind I wish to return and be grateful To feel the infinity of the deep sky I sense the forces that burn deep within me I am now forever one with myself The light of the moon of decayed ruins The shapes begin to build a circle Around the gloomy ruins And stillness surrounds the sky around me My heart begins to pound faster and faster They look to the bright sky And blazes appear as the old man Rises his arms towards the sky A duet of thoughts in my mind I feel the presence of God And natures truthful solitude comes over me I close my eyes...and dream